The messy, imperfect beauty of life inspires me.
I offer effective treatment approaches that help my clients cultivate deeper awareness in their lives as well as joy, acceptance and purpose. I help people access the wisdom that lives in their body. By offering a space of compassion and non-judgment my clients feel comfortable exploring shame, fear, confusion, doubt and other challenging states of mind.
I will support you by offering gentleness, spaciousness and focused attention as you develop the skills of putting your thoughts, feelings and sensations of the body into words. Therapy helps encourage a connection to more parts of yourself. Through fostering a present, collaborative and curious attitude, habitual thinking and behaving become clearer and we experience greater choice in our lives. It is my experience that as we cultivate relationship with our own discomfort we, surprisingly, experience greater fulfillment, ease and joy in our lives! By becoming more acquainted with ourselves, we are more able to experience connection, nourishment and ease in our relationships.
It is my intention that our therapeutic relationship will provide a place for you to begin, or continue, the process of exploring both the conscious and unconscious parts of your experience. By deepening into relationship with yourself you in turn deepen the quality of your relationships with others.
Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how. The moment you know how, you begin to die a little. The artist never entirely knows. We guess. We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark. - Agnes De Mille